March 10, 2023

Local Energy Markets Improve Investment Returns of Residential BESS by Arbitrage Opportunities

This case study, based of a LEM of 100 participants from an Australian Town, examines how LEMs provide an alternative to falling FiTs and rising grid buy rates, while also reducing energy usage costs and investment returns for residential BESSs.

Battery energy storage systems (BESS) are a crucial component of local energy markets (LEMs). This paper examines a LEM of 100 participants from an Australian town, comprising three distinct players; consumers, prosumers with solar photovoltaics (PVs), and prosumers with solar PVs and BESS. BESS investment returns are calculated based on four capital budgeting techniques. Because there is an additional optimised revenue stream through peer-to-peer (P2P) trading-based LEM, the investment returns for residential BESS are better. Better returns mean that LEMs could encourage people to buy and install more BESS. The study finds the investment returns of residential BESS, and performs comparative analysis to prove LEM is a better solution to improve returns. Additionally, the results also show that participants with BESS get maximum reduction in their cost of energy usage.

Read the full case study here.


ResearchGate Link

Authors: Dr. Liaqat Ali, M. Imran Azim, Dr. Vivek Bhandari, Anand Menon, Vinod Tiwari, Dr. Jemma Green, Jan Peters, Ehsan Pashajavid

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